Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Summer Shape Up - Start Up

Hello, I'm back!

Well after a 3 1/2 month break from my Purely Fit work, I'm back! I have been so busy with my acting career the past few months that I have not had anytime at all for my Positive Body Image Fitness coaching or blogging.

Now with summer here, I figured it would be a great time to get back into posting fitness blogs and videos.

I also have been on a bit of a slack/break with my normal fitness routine, due to my work schedule with productions. So, I'll be right there with you, kicking it back into gear and getting off any excess fat in time for bikini beach parties! ;)

First on the list of the Summer Shape Up Plan, is nix all sugar! You can do this cold turkey or gradual.

 I'm doing the gradual route. I don't eat that much sugar anyway, however I've been using Organic chocolate syrup and creamer in my coffee, so I'm changing to pure coco & stevia in place of the chocolate syrup, but keeping the creamer for a few days. Then I'm switching to tea, to get rid of the creamer all together.

I'll be posting an easy summer shape up fitness plan and easy nutritional switches to help the fat drop off. ;)

Stay healthy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A lag on the Purely Fit Video Series

Well, the past week has been a string of technical glitches, time-crunching things-to-do and a houseful of people with a nasty cold and me with larengitis! So needless to say I was't able to put out my daily video series last week and I'm already 2 days behind this week. I'm going to just jump back in, without trying to catch up at this point. I'll be posting starting tomorrow, Thursday which is strength training day. ;o)

Today is De-Stress Wednesday. As I've said before this is my favorite day! Today I want everyone to take 15 minutes to relax your entire body from head-to-toes. This is a simple way to re-energize and melt away some of the stress from your day, week, month, whatever.

Begin lying down on your back, make sure your back is in neutral alignment and there is NO stress on your lower back. If you feel stress on your lower back place a rolled up towel under it. Place your arms about six inches from your torso, palms up. Close your eyes and inhale deeply, exhale slowly. From your toes up to your head flex every muscle in your body. Flex your toes, your feet, your ankles, your calves, your thighs, your glutes, your abs, your lower back, your upper back, your chest, your shoulders, your arms, your hands, your neck and your head. Inhale and flex every muscle even tighter, hold for three to five seconds, exhale and relax every muscles. Let your muscles melt into the floor. Repeat this two to three more times, until you feel the tension release from your body.

This is an excellent way to quickly relieve stress, especially if you are having a hard time focusing and can't meditate. Give it a try! Let me know how you like it, if it works for you or if you have any questions.

Tomorrow I will begin posting the video series again, until then...

Stay Purely Fit!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Positive Body-Image Positive Self-Esteem Love Yourself Purely Fit Video ...

Positive Body-Image and Self-Esteem Sunday

What have you said that was truly nice about yourself today? Did you tell yourself you loved you? Did you send yourself love? Did you believe it?
Truly loving the essence of you, your spirit, who you truly are, is the first step in learning how to truly love your body!
So many women try and get their ideal body from the outside first, resulting in the dreaded weight-loss/weight-gain yo-yo cycle. When you don't address the issues of how you truly feel about yourself and your body first, you can't live in the body you are meant to be in.
Today's video will take you through the process of "flipping" negative body-image thoughts, which will help you achieve your ideal body, forever!
Enjoy, and for more information or questions, Please email me!
Stay Purely Fit!

Play Outside - Purely Fit Video Series 7

Sexy Hip Moves - Purely Fit Video Series 6

Friday, January 21, 2011

Friday - I.-A.M. day, be sensual

Today is I.-A.M. (Independent Authentic Movement) day! It's all about being sensual, sexual and feeling good about moving your body! It's about getting in touch with your femininity and loving yourself.

One common problem I have seen in my female clients over the past 25 years is the disconnect that happens between their body and soul. This comes from being a spouse, mom, friend, daughter, sister, brother, caregiver, cook, driver and putting everyone and everything else in your life first. You forget what it feels like to be a girl, to feel you body, not just use it to help take care of others.

I developed the I.-A.M.! class as a way for my female clients to explore movement in a safe, non-judgemental environment. My years of taking and teaching different styles of free dance such as hip-hop, burlesque, pole-dancing and free-form dancing helped me develop this unique fun class, that encourages women to love moving their body, for THEMSELVES!

The video for today has a technical glitch, so it will be posted tomorrow along with the Saturday -Get Outside and Play video. Be sure and check it out, I show you two really fun moves that will teach you how to connect to the power of your hips!

Remember girls, love your body, love moving your body and it will love you!

Until tomorrow - Stay Purely Fit!